Singing in the Age of Evidence: Balancing Science and Art
When you can’t find an objective criterion to compute accuracy and are left with consensus, this is a clue that you are dealing with...
Singing in the Age of Evidence: Balancing Science and Art
"Pop Singing Will Ruin Your Voice": Let's look at that...
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READING PEOPLE: Insights & Tools for Knowing What Your Students Are Thinking
Registration in Popular Styles: Alternatives to Belting?
© Money Notes, Inc., 2020
Mission of Money Notes, Inc.
Equipping voice trainers with practical, applicable knowledge about the voice, popular styles, and neuroscience. Empowering those educators to nurture the soul, growth journey, music, and voice of their clients.
Coaching singers to enrich their voices with range, skills, and stamina; growing the voice without trying to change who the singer is as a musician.